For Mirach Innovations - Innovation is Our Lifeline
Mirach Innovations gives immense importance on thought process of individual employees which can be collaborated to innovate technologies and solutions which can be way ahead of today.

For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen. Speech has allowed the communication of ideas, enabling human beings to work together to build the impossible. Mankind's greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn't have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded. All we need to do is make sure we keep thinking.
The basis of IoT is collaboration, collaboration of diverse technologies, collaboration with Telecom Operators, collaboration with end user and their respective domain right from agriculture to aviation. Mirach Innovations structures the though on the guide line of IoT collaboration and so our employees.
To have effective and successful innovation, we focus on real-time collaboration by cross-functional teams across time zones, irrespective of organizational boundaries and locations which results in having a collaborative innovation environment.
Why Choose Us?
Our end-to-end portfolio of IoT solutions, and our team of dedicated experts, will help you overcome your challenges and achieve your goals.
Make your IoT journey a success
Persuaded by the possibilities of IoT? Identified an opportunity for IoT to improve your organisation’s performance? But concerned that IoT technology can be complex, demanding specialist technical skills if it’s to deliver its full potential?
We can help you use IoT solutions and services to realise your highest priority business objectives: like reducing costs, improving productivity and increasing efficiency.
We offer an end-to-end IoT portfolio, from hardware through to connectivity, data, analytics and insight. So we’ll provide expert support and proven technology, tailored to your individual needs and objectives to help you meet your goals.
As your plans scale up, we’ll make it easy for you to integrate new IoT technical capabilities, helping you realise your ambitions with new and emerging services.
Most importantly, our IoT experts stay dedicated to delivering an IoT solution that’s as unique as you are. So, you can quickly and easily start turning the potential of IoT into cost savings, efficiency gains, increased productivity and more.
Our Solutions

Mirach Innovations offering powered by INNOVATIONS will give companies the ability to explore and visualise their data in real time with further capabilities to include machine learning and advanced algorithms. In this way Smart Meter Data turns into information that can speed up business processes, can increase the efficiency of electrical network which will open more doors to faster ways of realising the true Smart Grid for most Advance Smart Cities.
For the first time in history of Utilities there is a product which can directly arbitrate communication between the field devices and the Business Inteliigence Platform, capable of extending the same in real time.